Freelancer: Sangatsuusagi
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a rough concept

hello, I've used a (very rough)drawing I had here to verify what you want. To make it easier, please comment what you want different(cat's pose, position, drawing style, etc.!).............if I have an OK from you, I'll cleanup it and make final art.

Inscrição nº 5 do Concurso para                                                 draw a cat
Inscrição nº5

Painel de Comentários

  • SOSsolutions
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 5 anos atrás

    This is the closer of what I want and yes I give you the okay so can you finalize it and send me the work with high resolution no less than 300
    Thank you so much for your hard work

    • 5 anos atrás
    1. Sangatsuusagi
      • 5 anos atrás

      of course. I'm starting now. Actually, the cat is entirely drawed. He's in this proportion with tha bag. Tell me how cleaner it should be(because, well, it's really rough.....). Clean like cartoon(lineart+color)? or only a little more(marked with pencil lines and handmade-like)?
      (I've already started handover)

      • 5 anos atrás
  • SOSsolutions
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 5 anos atrás

    Can you please draw the cat so it would look perfect when I hide the paper bag layer
    Thank you again

    • 5 anos atrás