Freelancer: hmoq
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Your new online school

Hi Hind As an experienced Digital Marketer & Content Creator with several projects in the same field of online learning, I can help you so much in your planned online school. I can start with planning all needed elements for the project, setting up every little detail, including branding basics, core identity, visual identity, personas, marketing strategy, objectives & KPIs, selecting the best educational platform in Saudi Arabia, building & managing the most suitable social media channels, content strategy, & website building, etc. But, we first need to discuss these details precisely to make everything crystal clear, determine all tasks, time limitations, distribute responsibilities for your supposed or recommended team & discuss the budget. Then make several tests to ensure appropriateness and readiness to the successful start ISA. My hourly rate for a long-term and expanded project like yours will be only $ 8-10/h, and I am open to a fixed price upon my tasks & dedicated time.

Inscrição nº36

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