Freelancer: AswinPro
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Tailor Pro

This is a motion graphics done in the same color scheme of the tailor pro app and the video animations will be according to the music. I hope you like it. You are welcomed to request any changes like color change, sound effects, music, icons, any part of the video, etc. Thanks

Inscrição nº11

Painel de Comentários

  • Aliezi
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 6 anos atrás

    Great work. We like your work, but someone else did something better. We would actually like to say thank you for the good job. We could pay you $10 for this. We could pay it via freelancer and also give you a very great review and rating, to enable you get more jobs. We would like you to make a small change to the video. From screen 56secs - 60sec, when the logo appears, we would like you to put a motto (text) "A tool tailored for you" below the logo.. And also put two pictures that will suggest, 1) available on itune and 2) available on playstore. The entire video should end in 60secs. Let me know if you are ok with it

    • 6 anos atrás
    1. AswinPro
      • 6 anos atrás

      I'm OK with it. I"ll submit the new video with correction within 6 hours. I'll send the link in chat.

      If you want any video like this please reach me. For me reviews are important than money because I'm new to this site. I can do any motion graphics for just 10$ and good reviews in future.


      • 6 anos atrás
  • AswinPro
    • 6 anos atrás

    Hi, Freelancer may not show the video with its full clarity. please check this link.

    • 6 anos atrás