Raspberry PI OS issue ("This board requires newer software")

  • Status: Closed
  • Prêmio: $22
  • Inscrições Recebidas: 1

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I get "This board requires newer software" error when I use an image on newer Raspberry Pi 4s I recently received. See attached screenshot. I've used the image on several Raspberry Pi 4s in the past with no issue.

This project is to help me resolve the issue so that I can keep the content that is configured on the current image but have it work on the newer Raspberry Pi 4s.

Here is a location of the Raspberry Pi Images I am working with (password is 'Pass1word!':

Main_image: https://amrot0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/araya_kebede_amrot0_onmicrosoft_com/EWWNTjfvWCtKlNPYb-L0-HQBbHWVaul8Oam0utqwdjedXQ?e=MYhjhQ

New_Image: https://amrot0-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/araya_kebede_amrot0_onmicrosoft_com/EWWNTjfvWCtKlNPYb-L0-HQBbHWVaul8Oam0utqwdjedXQ?e=d0dB1z

- The New_Image works fine in the new Raspberri Pi 4 model.
- I get the error when I try to use the Main_Image with the new Raspberri Pi 4 models.

I am trying to get the main_image to work with the new Raspberri Pi 4 models since it contains data and configuration that would take time to replicate in the new image.

Thank you.

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