Freelancer: EstebanGreen
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Extend Covered Patio (Option 5)

On this occasion I have completely modified my previous proposals. I await your comments to make the improvements and modifications that you indicate. Thank you

Inscrição nº 29 do Concurso para                                                 Redesign Outdoor Kitchen- Extend Covered Patio-Landscape Redesign.
Inscrição nº29

Painel de Comentários

  • rbacpa
    Proprietário do Concurso
    • 4 anos atrás

    Hey Arturo, Look at the photo of Outdoor Kitchen to Patio. It should depict that the second story of the house is above where you have the fireplace, so that is probably not practical to have a real fireplace there. Thanks!

    • 4 anos atrás