Imagem de perfil de muhammaduzair1
Bandeira de India Shegaon, India
Membro desde 2 de novembro de 2013
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I am Muhammad Uzair, a full-stack developer with over 5 years of experience. My expertise lies in HTML, CSS, Javascript, AngularJS, and VueJS for frontend development, and Django and PHP for backend development. Additionally, I have created Android apps using both JAVA and Flutter. I have extensive experience in setting up AWS servers and implementing CI/CD for quick deployment. In fact, I have worked on various projects where I had to handle complex server architecture with ease. In my previous work, I was part of a startup where I scaled systems for handling up to 1M requests in a day. This required me to optimize and improve the performance of the system while ensuring a seamless user experience. I am a dedicated and passionate developer who is always looking for new challenges and ways to improve my skills.
$30 USD/hr
1 comentário
  • 100%Trabalhos concluídos
  • 100%Dentro do Orçamento
  • 100%Pontualidade
  • N/ATaxa de Recontratação

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2012 - 2013 (1 year)


  • US English Level 1
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